All Hallows Catholic High School
Business Interests of Governors
P Jackson – nil
M May – name of business, Setgear Ltd – 3D Printing & Provision of services to the Television & Film Industry – Joint Company Director-date of appointment July 2019
C Neville – LCC Schools HR Team – HR Consultancy – Member of the LCC Schools HR Team which provides HR advice and guidance to All Hallows through an SLA – date of appointment 2005
J Caw – nil
The Full Governing Board meets every term and each Committee also meets on a termly basis.
The Committees of Governors that we use at the school are as follows:
Chair: Mrs Sarah McKerney
Father Barrett
Mrs Kitto
Mrs Clare
Mrs Jackson
Mrs Armstrong
Mrs Cooper
The main function of the committee is to monitor and evaluate the standards and achievement of the school and the quality of education provided.
In particular, the committee will:
Chair: Mrs Kitto
Mrs Caw
Mrs Neville
Mrs Cooper
Note: The governing body of a school must spend the school’s official funds “for the purposes of the school”. This means making educational provision for pupils on roll at the school.
An unofficial fund is any fund, other than official school funds, which is controlled either wholly or in part by the Headteacher or other members of the staff by reason of their employment in the school. The county council has no direct responsibility for their management and use. The headteacher is responsible to the school governors for any unofficial funds and the use to which they are put.
The appointment of a headteacher or deputy headteacher is not a function of this committee.
The governing body’s responsibilities for health and safety may be carried out by:
The governing body’s responsibilities for health and safety are often incorporated in the remit of the Premises committee. A further committee may be required by the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations 1977, which states that if two union members formally request a safety committee to be set up, this must be done within three months. Representation on this committee is usually from the school staff. In any event, the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 extends the right of consultation on health and safety matters to all workers, not just those represented by trade union representatives.
The objectives are broadly similar:
In this document the health and safety remit has been included in that of the Premises committee as outlined below.