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- Music
’If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music ‘– Albert Einstein
All Hallows Staff
- Mrs. Colclough – Curriculum Co-ordinator responsible for the effective co-ordination and running of the department.
- Mr F Ajiteru – Teacher of Music
Peripatetic Instrumental Teaching Staff
- Piano/ Keyboard- Janet Calman
- Acoustic Guitar – Carmel Galea
- Voice – Janet Calman
- Flute /Clarinet/Saxophone – Karen Maddocks
- Percussion – Tony Harrison
- Electric Guitar/Rock Band – Simon Webster
The Music Department has two purpose built rooms and the Arts theatre and Year 11 centre. The impact of technology within the Music curriculum is well catered for at All Hallows. We have sixteen networked computers all running Microsoft Office, Sibelius, Cubase SE, Sony Acid and Guitar Pro 5 and the vast majority of our students make excellent use of the technological facilities available in the Department. These programmes allow students the opportunity to listen to the music they have composed and then edit and develop their musical ideas. The software also allows students to produce professional quality scores and recordings. The Arts theatre is also used for lessons and is also used for acts of worship, concert rehearsals and performances. The Year 11 centre is also used during Exam periods.
Teaching Strategies
- Time-tabled weekly class/set Music lesson
- Music performances are parts of Acts of Worship and Assemblies
- Individual, paired and group work
- Music performances by pupils and/or visiting musicians /singers
- Cross-curricular themes
Teaching Groups
Each year group has one lesson each week at Key Stage 3 and 3 lessons each week at Key Stage 4 in Music.
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At All Hallows we believe that music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress through Key Stage 3, it is our intention that pupils will develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with increasing discrimination.
During Key Stage 3, staff will implement and pupils will have the opportunity to:
- Perform, listen to, and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions,
- Learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately
- Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the elements of music -interrelated dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.
By the end of Key Stage 3, pupils should be able to:
- Play and perform confidently in a range of solo and ensemble contexts using their voice, playing instruments musically, fluently and with accuracy and expression
- Improvise and compose; and extend and develop musical ideas by drawing on a range of musical structures, styles, genres and traditions
- Use staff and other relevant notations appropriately and accurately in a range of musical styles, genres and traditions
- Identify and use the inter-related dimensions/elements of music expressively and with increasing sophistication, including use of tonalities, different types of scales and other musical devices
- Listen and evaluate with increasing discrimination to a wide range of music
Pupils will build on their previous knowledge and skills through performing, composing and listening. They should develop their vocal and/or instrumental fluency, accuracy and expressiveness; and understand musical structures, styles, genres and traditions, identifying the expressive use of musical dimensions. They should listen with increasing discrimination and awareness to inform their practice as musicians. They should use technologies appropriately and appreciate and understand a wide range of musical contexts and styles. They will compose 2 pieces, one set to a brief and will perform 2 pieces, one solo and one in ensemble.
During Key Stage 4, staff will implement and pupils will have the opportunity to:
- Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians
- Continue to learn to compose music on their own to set briefs given
- Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.
- Learn to complete a Blog for Component 1
- Complete the skills audit for Component 2
By the end of Key Stage 4, pupils should make significant progress and be able to:
- Play and perform confidently in a range of solo and ensemble contexts using their voice or by playing instruments musically, fluently and with accuracy and expression
- Compose with creativity, accuracy and suitability to a set brief
- Understand and be able to read and write using musical notation
- Identify and use the inter-related dimensions of music expressively and with increasing sophistication, including use of tonalities, different types of scales and other musical devices
- Listen to unheard extracts and be able to answer effectively exam questions which have been worked on in class
- Develop a deepening understanding of the music that they perform and to which they listen from and its history.
Curriculum Info
Extra-Curricular Music
Participation in extra-curricular Music activities enriches the core curriculum for Music and allows pupils the opportunity to share interests and experience performing with others.
- Music Performance group for each Key Stage group
- Singing and Instrumental – Drums, Piano, Keyboard, Woodwind and Guitar lessons with LMS –Lancashire Music service
- Community networks – LMS Instrumental groups for County players
- Choirs in school and an adult All Hallows Community Choir
- Guitar Ensemble
- Rock Guitar club
- Jazz Band
- Ukulele group
- Assemblies – Christmas and Easter –Chaplaincy team
- Year group Assemblies
- Transition days with Primary feeder schools
- Workshops with UCLAN and Runshaw and Newman FE Colleges
- Strong links with Alumni