All Hallows Catholic High School
Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe — Galilee Galilei
Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit. — Stefan Banach, Polish mathematician
I find it interesting because I learn lots of new stuff and I learn the benefits of doing it. — Year 8 student
Mr Briscoe and the Mathematics department would like to give a warm welcome to our curriculum site. We aim to provide a stimulating, safe and happy environment in which pupils and staff can strive to achieve their full potential. Mathematics affects every aspect of our lives: wages, phone tariffs, computers, journey times, budgeting, cooking etc. In order to function effectively in modern society, it is essential to be competent and confident with Mathematics.
The vision of the Department is not only to provide pupils with the mathematical skills necessary for modern life but also to instil in them an enthusiasm and enjoyment for mathematics. Our Mathematics department aims to shape our students into able problem solvers, logical thinkers and lifelong mathematicians as a product of inspirational and reflective teaching. We aim to set challenging targets with high expectations for all pupils which are achieved through a variety of approaches to teaching and learning that will engage, motivate and inspire. Our passionate department aim to share their knowledge by relating Mathematics to real life. If you have any questions or require advice, please contact Mr Briscoe on
We have six full time and one part time members of staff who deliver the full Mathematics curriculum at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
The Maths Department has six teaching rooms, one of which includes a suite of 18 computers. Each room has an interactive whiteboard where a variety of Maths-specific software is used to support the teaching of the curriculum. All pupils entering the school are given a Maths Watch VLE login and password so that they can support their learning at home. It is also used for independent learning, targeted revision, and specific intervention.
The core purpose of our curriculum is to nurture and instill the values and qualities outlined in our Mission Statement; to grow morally, intellectually, and spiritually and to leave us as young people, equipped to take their place in society. We strive to build their resilience and confidence and encourage them to achieve the very best that they are capable of.
Our main intention when designing a maths curriculum is that students are able to enjoy the maths that they are taught and see its relevance to them, whilst progressing in a logical manner through topics and being able to link them together to solve problems. Pupils need to understand the journey they are on and where the skills they are learning may be applied. It is important that our students have an understanding of where the maths they learn is used in a real-life context and where it is used in other subjects.
GCSE Results 2022 | 9-7 | 9-6 | 9-5 | 9-4 | 9-1 |
% | 32.4 | 52.3 | 73.9 | 86.4 | 99.4 |
Our subject progress index (SPI) was +0.2
All pupils follow the New National Curriculum (revised July 2014) which can be accessed using the following link:
The topics covered across Key Stage 3 will broadly be the same, but will be covered in more depth depending on each individual’s starting point and as they progress from Year 7 through to Year 9.
Context lessons will be included to expand on Real, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and financial maths.
All pupils in Year 11 and subsequent years follow the New National Curriculum (revised July 2014) with first teaching beginning September 2015. The first GCSE assessment, following the new criteria, took place in June 2017. The specification that pupils will be following is Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Mathematics (1MA1). This can be accessed via the following link:
Pearson Edexcel Mathematics (9-1)
There are still two tiers of entry: Foundation (grade 1 to 5) and Higher (grade 4 to 9). For both tiers of entry, pupils follow a two year course culminating in three examinations at the end of Year 11. The final grade will be awarded on the basis of combined marks scored on a 1 hour 30 minute Non-Calculator paper and two 1 hour 30 minute Calculator papers. Each paper is scored out of 80 marks and will have equal weighting. For the pupils that are borderline between Foundation and Higher, they will follow a “Crossover” Scheme of Work, focussing on Foundation topics in Year 10 before building on Higher content in Year 11. This allows us to select the most appropriate tier for their final examination.
In Years 7 and 8, pupils are streamed across all subjects by overall ability. This is revisited regularly, and we ensure pupils are in the best group for their ability. In Year 7 pupils in the top four sets have 3 Maths lesson per week, pupils in the bottom three sets have 4 Maths lessons a week with an added focus on Numeracy. In Year 8, all pupils have four lessons of Maths a week.
In Year 9 we set purely on Mathematics ability in two parallel bands and we also have a nurture group which focus more on Numeracy skills with the rest of the curriculum built around this. All pupils follow the same content, but higher groups can go into greater depth within the same topics. Again, these are evaluated on a regular basis. All pupils have 4 lessons of Maths a week.
In Years 10 and 11 we set across the whole year group. Our higher sets follow the Higher GCSE content, our lower groups follow the Foundation GCSE content and our middle groups follow a crossover curriculum in which they complete Foundation in Year 10 and build on this with Higher material in Year 11 with the intent of sitting the Higher Papers for GCSE. These sets are chosen to ensure the best outcomes for each pupil. In year 10 and 11, pupils have 4 lessons of Maths a week. However, from September 2023, Year 11 pupils will have 5 lessons of Maths a week.
Pupils will be assessed through:
Pupils are assessed regularly so that staff can see clearly which elements of the curriculum the class or individual pupils need extra support and informs their future teaching.
To aid pupils in Key Stage 3, we allow them to bring in notes to any formative assessment. This is an A4 size piece of paper with notes and examples summarised. This makes assessments less stressful and also teaches revision techniques from an early age.
After each formative assessment, an individual area of focus will be pinpointed for each pupil and a way of improving it set as homework.
After every summative assessment, they will be given a personal QLA (Question Level Analysis) which will inform them of their strengths and areas to improve.
Mathematics is key in any career. We teach invaluable skills in any work place and within each topic we look at how and why each skill we learn can be implemented in the work place. Careers that require Mathematics can be found in almost every field including Engineering, Medical, Government, Business and Research. It is not just the Mathematics curriculum that employers see in GCSE Mathematics but also the transferable skills e.g. Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Logic, Communication, Reasoning and Time Management.
You can find further information on our Careers page here.
Numeracy and Mathematics go hand in hand, and we ensure time is dedicated to Numeracy within our curriculum. Our Numeracy Coordinator ensures that we see Numeracy across the curriculum. Please see the Numeracy page here.
Reading is a key skill across the whole curriculum and a priority for our department in ensuring maximum progress. Please see the Literacy page here.
It can sometimes be difficult to know how best to support your child with their Mathematics, so please do not hesitate to contact Mr Briscoe if you have any concerns. However, there is a plethora of online platforms that can help with Maths from building confidence with basic skills to revising for an Advanced Algebra qualification. Listed below are some of the sites we use or recommend.
We also run a lunchtime club where pupils can get assistance with homework, revision for assessments, lessons they have been struggling with or just chance to play Mathematical games to enhance their skills. This runs every lunchtime in room 12 between 12.35pm and 1pm.
The school have entered the following Mathematics competitions:
Other regular activities include: