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11th November 2016
Mission Week
This coming week is a very special week in the life of the school as we are celebrating a ‘Mission Week’. The Animate Youth Ministry Team from Liverpool Archdiocese will be spending the week in school working with all year groups in the Arts Theatre. Their sessions will incorporate music, drama, games and prayer based on the theme of the week: ‘Be the face of mercy’. Pupils will also be exploring the theme in specially devised lessons in all subject areas.
On Wednesday the Animate Team will be visiting our partner primary schools to work with Year 5 and 6 pupils.
On Thursday all pupils and families are invited to a Mission Celebration Evening at 7pm in the Sports Hall. This will be a lively celebration showing different aspects of our Mission Week. A separate letter will be sent out inviting you on Monday. We do hope many of you will come along to share in the pupils’ mission experience.
On Friday we are honoured to welcome the Archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm McMahon into school. We will be celebrating a lower school and upper school Mass on that day and look forward to the Archbishop joining in our mission celebrations.
Friday is a non-uniform day and a separate letter will be sent out on Monday giving more information.
Please note that pupils will not be receiving homework all week. Trips will be taking place to the Trafford Centre for each year group throughout the week.
Please keep our school community in your prayers throughout this special Mission Week.