All Hallows Catholic High School
We have received many complaints from local residents, SRBC and Penwortham Town Councillors about parking on the above roads whilst dropping off and collecting pupils.
Crownlee is a private road, Crabtree Ave and part of Birch Ave have parking restrictions. The movement of cars adjacent to school in these areas and on residents’ drives presents increased risks of accidents to pupils and residents as well as inconvenience.
Please observe these restrictions and try to reduce the risk of accidents and the inconvenience to our neighbours.
You can search for individual bus service timetables by entering the bus service number at the following address:
Special Buses – there are four special buses serving the school:
Good behaviour on school buses is insisted upon. Pupils travelling by bus are expected to behave as they would on a normal service bus. Misbehaviour on school buses constitutes breach of school discipline and will be treated accordingly. Persistent misbehaviour might lead to a pupil being denied the use of the special transport.
Parents are asked to ensure that their children are reminded constantly about the necessity for correct and careful cycling at all times. Each year we have several accidents involving cyclists. For reasons of safety and security we insist that:
The volume of cars arriving at the school at the beginning and end of the school day has increased so much that, in the interest of pupils’ safety, we ask parents to drop-off and pick-up their children outside the school’s premises. There are parking restrictions in force on Crabtree Avenue at these times. It is safer, and may well be quicker, for parents to arrange to leave or meet their children on Birch Avenue or Central Drive.