All Hallows Catholic High School
We place the pastoral care of our pupils at the forefront of everything we do at All Hallows. Seeing our young people on a daily basis gives us the basis to build strong and lasting relationships to help them develop into mature, resilient, and confident adults. Our pastoral team “walk alongside” our pupils, guiding them through difficult times and celebrating their successes and achievements. Form tutors are the first contact for any pupil pastorally. Pupils begin their life at All Hallows in Year 7 with a form tutor who is part of the dedicated Year 7 team that will support them in their transition from Primary to Secondary school. In years 8-11, they retain the same form tutor to support them pastorally as they move through the school. Each year group is led by a Learning Manager and an Assistant Learning Manager.
Growing up at high school can present normal day-to-day challenges and sometimes additional in-school support can be required. The wider team below can provide support, in addition to the daily support of form tutors and Learning Managers.
Mrs Washington: Assistant Headteacher: Pastoral and DSL
Miss R Taylor: Pastoral Support Assistant and Back up DSL
Sometimes a pupil may need some additional support from outside agencies such as CAMHS, the school nurse, the Police or Children’s Social Care. At All Hallows we work closely with a wide range of outside agencies to support the pastoral care, health and wellbeing and safety of our pupils. We also use the Lancashire “Early Help Referral” to access additional support for pupils who may need it.
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