All Hallows Catholic High School
Mr Clitheroe is the Careers Lead and is responsible for the strategic planning and implementation of the careers curriculum, ensuring all activities fit with the Gatsby Benchmarks. We also have a Careers Advisor who is qualified to Level 6 in Career Guidance with many years’ experience. Mr Clitheroe can be contacted by e-mail at or by phoning the school on 01772 746121.
Careers guidance is provided across all year groups in order to prepare for college, apprenticeships and employment. The role of the Careers Advisor is to support pupil’s career planning and development by delivering impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance.
UniFrog will be actively used throughout the careers programme, which is an online resource that helps students to make the best choices and submit the strongest applications. Each pupil at All Hallows will receive their own personal Unifrog account which they will use to explore a wide range of information in one single, impartial, user-friendly platform.
All Hallows is a member of the Lancashire Enterprise Advisor Network and the school works alongside Enterprise Coordinator Lisa Prance. An Enterprise Advisor has also been provided to assist in the delivery and development of careers education within school.
Our careers advisor is in school Wednesdays and Thursdays and is based in the Guidance Room. Students are welcome to drop in on their break or lunch time to discuss college, apprenticeships or careers related enquiries. There are a number of resources available to support career planning and preparation as well as prospectuses from local colleges and training providers.
An element of the Gatsby Benchmarks involves teaching students about the local trends and opportunities in their local area. Labour Market Information (LMI) is important when focusing upon careers guidance and learning in school.
An apprenticeship is a real job where you achieve a qualification, gain work experience and get paid a salary.
All apprenticeship vacancies are advertised on the Government apprenticeship website and there are other useful websites to gain further information about apprenticeship options.
At All Hallows, we provide impartial information, advice and guidance on all progression routes and promote all the local education and training providers.
T Levels are new courses which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A levels. These 2-year courses have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training or study.
These qualifications offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industry placement of at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days).
T Level courses include the following compulsory elements:
Students who complete their T Level will receive an overall grade of pass, merit, distinction or distinction*. They will get a nationally recognised certificate which will show their overall grade and a breakdown of what they have achieved.
T Levels will provide several progression options to students. These include skilled employment, an apprenticeship and higher education.
There a number of online resources that can be useful when exploring careers and progression routes. Students and parents can visit the ‘National Careers Service’ website for further information and receive impartial advice on careers. Other useful websites and career tools are also available.
Other useful careers
In line with the Statutory Guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff, careers guidance and access for education and training providers; All Hallows High School Careers policy ensures that all registered pupils at this school are provided with a careers programme
The aims of the Careers programme at All Hallows are:
All strategies are in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks. Careers Compass is completed twice per year and action points inform improvements. The compass assessment tool has helped All Hallows work towards, and in most cases meet, each of the benchmarks.
The Assistant Head Teacher, (AHT), responsible for Careers with the Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Officer, (CIAG Officer), Curriculum Leaders, external providers and employers strive for continuous improvement and build on each benchmark further.
The school is strong and committed to all 8 Benchmarks:
The school is committed to CPD for Careers; all staff receive update briefings twice a year and a whole staff CPD once a year.
Regular meetings with the School Enterprise Coordinator and the School Enterprise Advisor ensure a robust programme which meets, or is working towards, all the criteria of the Gatsby Benchmarks and Government Statutory Guidance.
This combined with extensive staff, pupil, parent/carer and employer/training provider engagement and feedback, ensures that there is a robust Careers Programme which is annually updated to ensure it is catering for all.
All student destinations are collected in house by the schools CIAG Officer and changes are made to the Careers programme accordingly.
This careers policy was approved in April 2022 the next review date is April 2023.