All Hallows Catholic High School
All subjects are now housed in discreet areas of the building. They are all ‘colour coded’ and a coloured map is placed in the back of every pupil’s school planner. We are also now in a position to announce that every subject area has access to its own ICT facility. This enables students to access ICT whenever the curriculum demands this.
The school also boasts separate playgrounds for Upper and Lower school pupils as well as two separate dining rooms. One of these is for pupils in Years 7 and 8 and the other covers Years 9-11. Recently, we have developed a number of picnic areas to allow pupils to socialise with their peers.
The school Chapel is overseen by our Lay Chaplain Kate and hosts RE lessons, discussion groups and lots of different prayer and liturgy activities throughout the course of the school year. The Chapel is often the first building seen by visitors to our school, emphasising our identity as a Catholic Community.
Every curriculum area has access to ICT facilities. There is a Learning & Resource Centre, where the English ICT facility sits alongside the traditional school library.
All students at All Hallows are automatically enrolled as members of our Library and they are encouraged to use the facilities throughout the school day.
As previously stated, every curriculum area is housed in its own discrete area of school. In another part of this website, in the information section under ‘Virtual Tour’, you can take a tour of most areas of All Hallows. A key feature is our Technology area, where a central ICT area is surrounded by specialist teaching rooms for Food, Electronics, Graphics, Textiles and Resistant Materials.