All Hallows Catholic High School
All Hallows is committed to ensuring that our pupils are safe online and as such we have very comprehensive ICT policies in place (available as hard copies on request). We have a school network of computers, all of which can connect to the Internet. Our school Internet is filtered and monitored. The ICT department also starts each new year with schemes of work based around Internet Safety, Cyberbullying and the safe use of social networking sites. Pupils are taught to be aware of current issues surrounding the use of the Internet.
Parents and pupils are required to sign an ICT Code of Conduct / Acceptable Use Policy at the start of each academic year. This can be found in Pupil Planners and forms the basis of an agreement between the school, parents and pupils on the basis that the school ICT facilities must be used appropriately at all times. These Codes of Conduct are also clearly displayed in all ICT classrooms throughout school.
There are several very good websites for parents and children which give useful advice on using the internet safely. The following links have been checked to be safe & secure, however, we as a school do not take responsibility for the content found on them.
National Online Safety – signing up to the platform is simple. Just follow catholic-high-school and complete your details. Once you’re set up, you’ll be able to choose ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type and get instant access to all training and resources.
SOPHOS have produced a useful guide for how to stay safe on the internet click here to download
Other Links
BOOST Parents – An Introduction to Online Safety
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4: