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Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum at All Hallows is intended to be ambitious and offer equality of opportunity to all. It is designed so that pupils can ‘Grow together in the spirit of Christ’s love’. We believe in the growth and development of all in our school community. We aim to develop young people to become literate, numerate, confident, and aware of their uniqueness, with a passion for learning of the arts, humanities, languages, sciences and technologies. We aim to instil in pupils an awareness of their uniqueness, their place in the world and a love of God, neighbour and environment. Our hope is that we nurture the potential of our pupils so that they can find their vocation and take their place as responsible members of our communities and society.
All Hallows is not a community in isolation. We work in partnership with parents, parishes, primary schools, sixth form colleges and employers for the education and formation of the young people in our care. Our aim is to provide a friendly, safe and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and affirmed. All Hallows is a school where all pupils enjoy an outstanding standard of teaching, access to a broad and balanced curriculum, and the guidance needed to ensure success. Our ethos is one where excellence is promoted and achievement is celebrated. We exist as a distinct community because we have Christ at our centre. His teaching and example are the basis of our daily life, relationships and future hopes. We are a safe and happy community, enlivened by our faith.
Our curriculum aims to develop skills in literacy, numeracy and verbal communication. We aim to ease any disadvantages the pupils may have. But we aim to go beyond the purely academic. Throughout the curriculum there are opportunities for pupils to develop their spiritual lives, their moral selves and to appreciate cultural capital and social diversity. We want them to develop their character, their social skills and leadership. A wide range of extra-curricular activities is offered to enhance and enrich the curriculum (educational Day visits, overseas study experiences, retreats, and lunchtime and after-school clubs).
Curriculum Implementation
The curriculum has always been, and continues to be, organised into a three-year KS3 and a two-year KS4. We recognise the importance of pupils studying a broad range of subjects for as long as possible at KS3, and the need for learning to be secure and a strong foundation for KS4 and future learning. The curriculum is carefully sequenced and provides a solid foundation so that our pupils can achieve the best possible outcomes. The curriculum is reviewed annually by SLT and presented to the Governors’ Standards and Effectiveness Committee for discussion and approval. The allocation of curriculum time for each subject is part of this review.
The curriculum is broad and balanced at both KS3 & KS4. A weekly Personal Development lesson takes place for all pupils from Years 7-11 incorporating PSHE, Careers Education and Relationship and Sex Education.
The Key Stage 3 Curriculum
Pupils study courses in Religious Education, English, Maths, Science, Languages, History, Geography, Art, Performing Arts, Computer Science, PE and Personal Development.
All sets study a first language (French) and the four highest academic sets study a second language (Spanish). 10% curriculum time is given to Religious Education in line with the requirements of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales.
We believe in equality of opportunity: all pupils access the full curriculum. In the Spring Term of Year 9 pupils take their options for KS4 and well over 90% of pupils are able to follow their first choice of subjects. A clear guidebook with video presentations from each option subject is produced for pupils and parents giving information about the courses on offer.
Curriculum time is as follows:
Year 7
Subject | Number of Lessons (50 minutes each) |
Religious Education | 3 |
English | 4 |
Maths | 3 or 4 |
Science | 3 |
Languages | 3 or 4 |
Geography | 2 |
History | 2 |
Technology | 2 |
Computer Science | 1 |
Art | 1 |
Performing Arts | 1 |
Physical Education | 3 |
Personal Development | 1 |
Total | 30 |
*The highest four sets study both French and Spanish and therefore have one lesson less of French, and one lesson less of Maths, in order to do this.
Year 8
Subject | Number of Lessons (50 minutes each) |
Religious Education | 3 |
English | 3 or 4 |
Maths | 4 |
Science | 3 |
Languages | 3 or 4 |
Geography | 2 |
History | 2 |
Technology | 2 |
Computer Science | 1 |
Art | 1 |
Performing Arts | 1 |
Physical Education | 3 |
Personal Development | 1 |
Total | 30 |
*The highest four sets study both French and Spanish and therefore have one lesson less of French, and one lesson less of English, in order to do this.
Year 9
Subject | Number of Lessons (50 minutes each) |
Religious Education | 3 |
English | 4 |
Maths | 4 |
Science | 3 or 4 |
Languages | 3 or 4 |
Geography | 2 |
History | 2 |
Technology | 2 |
Computer Science | 1 |
Art | 1 |
Performing Arts | 1 |
Physical Education | 2 |
Personal Development | 1 |
Total | 30 |
*The highest four sets study both French and Spanish and therefore have one lesson less of French, and one lesson less of Science, in order to do this.
The Key Stage 4 Curriculum
The Key Stage 4 curriculum builds on the firm foundations that have been laid in the three years of Key Stage 4. All pupils study the core subjects of Religious Education, English Language, English Literature, Maths, and Combined Science. Pupils will study 9 GCSEs and all are able to pursue the EBacc suite of subjects if they choose to do so. MFL is available to all pupils (French or Spanish) and there is the option to study dual languages. A wide range of subjects in the arts and technologies is available to the pupils. A small number of pupils will follow a more vocational pathway, taking the Certificate in Personal Effectiveness (COPE Award) alongside their 6 core GCSE subjects and one further option choice. This pathway can be more bespoke and personalised. Some pupils pursue vocational courses at nearby colleges whilst others have received extra support in literacy and numeracy.
In addition to this, all pupils have two lessons of core PE each week and the weekly lesson in Personal Development. Meaningful and appropriate Careers provision is woven throughout the curriculum.
Options subjects available to pupils are:
- Art
- Computer Science
- Creative iMedia
- Food Preparation & Nutrition
- French
- Geography
- History
- Music (BTEC)
- Performing Arts (BTEC)
- Physical Education (GCSE and Cambridge National Certificate in Sports Studies offered)
- Spanish
- Technology
Curriculum time is as follows:
Subject | Year 10 | Year 11 | KS4 Total |
Religious Education | 3 | 3 | 6 |
English | 4 | 5 | 9 |
Maths | 5 | 4 | 9 |
Combined Science | 6 | 6 | 12 |
Option 1 | 3 | 3 | 6 |
Option 2 | 3 | 3 | 6 |
Option 3 | 3 | 3 | 6 |
Physical Education | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Personal Development | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Total | 30 | 30 | 60 |
Curriculum Impact
We measure our impact in the outcomes pupils achieve; in examination grades, and in destination data. We also take seriously the feedback we receive from pupils and parents about the courses studied. Ultimately, we have succeeded if we have raised aspirations and equipped our pupils with the knowledge and skills to flourish beyond All Hallows so that they are ready for their next stage in their life-long journey of learning.
Options booklet
Pupils are issued with an options booklet containing a full description of these courses and their contents.
Personal Development
Please click here to download the Personal Development Statement of Intent.
Further information
If you require further information about any aspect of the All Hallows school curriculum, please contact Mr B McMullen, Deputy Headteacher, in school.